Other Activites

 Natural disasters (Floods/earthquakes)

PakPat believes that natural calamities and disasters are beyond human control and as such feels its ethical, societal and spiritual duty to help, assist, and raise spirits of the affected people during such times. During water floods each year, PakPat manages to get to the disaster hit places particularly the villages where water floods have heartlessly caused rigorous damage to the people by sweeping away the standing crops, live stock drowned and mud-houses smashed. We provide to the affected people dry food (flour, rice, pulses, cooking oil, dry milk, sugar, spices, match boxes, kerosene oil etc.); necessary articles for cooking; medicines; water cleaning tablets; and also reasonable cash to meet their special personal needs. We also supply construction material for them to build small houses.


PakPat strongly believes in skillfulness of both men and women. For us, skills are permanent employment and assurance for economic stability. Having this in sight, each year we distribute sewing machines to the widows and orphan girls of rural areas to enable them to earn their living in a dignified way and bring them the confidence to fight against poverty and exploitations by men. We are also funding educational institutes so that research and development in science and technical innovations are made possible.

Caring Elderly

Family system is gravely breaking in Pakistan forcing the elderly to take refuge in old homes. The root cause is not only poor economy, poverty and unemployment but also the self-centered approach. PakPat is taking care of elderly so that they can live with respect and dignity in their own homes without dependency on their children.

Human rights/Humanitarian law advocates

PakPat is fighting against corruption, terrorism, illegal detention, forced/child labor, human trafficking, domestic violence especially victims of acid attacks, burnt women etc. practically and by raising voice at different forums nationally and internationally. We are open to provide free legal advice against violations of basic human rights.